Or maybe the correct reaction is yawn.
Here are some stats (I screenshotted these from blogger, rather than copy the numbers (because people can just copy any numbers they want).
Here are some stats (I screenshotted these from blogger, rather than copy the numbers (because people can just copy any numbers they want).
Still slightly over 2 million views, but this was due to a weird spike a couple of years ago, not true readership.
My top posts - the top one still gets some hits, even though it is 10 years old now.
And top pages (pages basically have permanent names, and are meant to be fairly static, while posts tend to go up, get some views, then the next one comes along.
A major reason is my simple lack of posts.(a whopping total of 37 this past year, 24 of which were the Advent Calendar reveals (which I never did get the miniatures painted up to do the final showing everything).
The year before was a slump, and this past year was a slump on the slump.
I'm not completely out of ideas, but the inspiration and motivation to do anything has just not been there. For example, I do have the new plastic models for Forces of the Abyss. I started to take picture when they first came out, but got interrupted, and never got back to it.
New models and tournament reports have always been major points for me to write about - at least I've done the tournament reports (though not all timely).
So let's talk about the elephant on the blog, at least a little. I was told that I was no longer doing the Kings of War tournaments at Adepticon. They wanted me to do the Armada and an Ambush tournament, plus some Halo stuff this year (my schedule is so full I have about 3 hours over four days to visit the exhibit hall).
I'm not completely out of ideas, but the inspiration and motivation to do anything has just not been there. For example, I do have the new plastic models for Forces of the Abyss. I started to take picture when they first came out, but got interrupted, and never got back to it.
New models and tournament reports have always been major points for me to write about - at least I've done the tournament reports (though not all timely).
So let's talk about the elephant on the blog, at least a little. I was told that I was no longer doing the Kings of War tournaments at Adepticon. They wanted me to do the Armada and an Ambush tournament, plus some Halo stuff this year (my schedule is so full I have about 3 hours over four days to visit the exhibit hall).
As things start gearing up for Adepticon next month, I have very mixed feelings anymore. It doesn't help that it has moved at least another hour further away (which also means still having to drive THROUGH Chicago - which by itself can add and hour or two) (and avoiding Chicago can add another 100 miles to the trip). At one point I had pretty much set the distance I would go to about 350 miles (i.e. Chicago to Nashville) - and this is 50 miles past that point.
So things will be VERY different at Adepticon this year - I'm trying to be open to it.
However this is about the blog.
So what does the future hold here? While I'd like to post more, and love to get more readership, I'm not sure how to do either. I may try to do more little posts - such as the few projects I've been working on (and even my hobby work has suffered - I managed to get the new Twilight Kin ambush army done last year, but not finished anything else.
So things will be VERY different at Adepticon this year - I'm trying to be open to it.
However this is about the blog.
So what does the future hold here? While I'd like to post more, and love to get more readership, I'm not sure how to do either. I may try to do more little posts - such as the few projects I've been working on (and even my hobby work has suffered - I managed to get the new Twilight Kin ambush army done last year, but not finished anything else.
So I've been doing this for 10 years. I'll try to keep doing it, until I realize that I've stopped completely.
I've been in slumps before (when I used to post in other forums about projects, etc). Usually it is some new inspiration that brings me out of it, but even my latest idea for a new army hasn't done that.
So thanks for sticking with me, or at least occasionally dropping by. I'd like to say I'll try to do more, but as someone much wiser than me said,
So thanks for sticking with me, or at least occasionally dropping by. I'd like to say I'll try to do more, but as someone much wiser than me said,
Because it is still all fun and games . . .
congratulations on 10 years, it's not easy to keep at peak motivation so I'd not be hard on yourself. I know I frequently point people in the direction of your how to build posts as Mantic still refuses to make instructions.