Blake Shrode and I look forward each fall to host the Kings of War Grand Prix of MI GT - a racing themed GT (with a little bit of Metallica thrown in for good measure).
Unfortunately because of the change in schedule (with Masters being on Labor Day, and this event moving to September instead of October) we had a bit of a drop in attendance, but it was otherwise great fun. So even though we had 18 registered, we only had 15 paid players (meaning Blake got to spend the weekend rolling dice himself - the sacrifices he makes to keep things running smoothly!)
Back Row - Jordan Nichols, Blake Shrode, Kris DeGrow, Dariusz Bienkowski, Steven De La Garza, Matthew Temple, Marshall Temple, Kara Brown, Jesse Berglund, Dylan Scribner, Nathan Johnson. Front Row - Jeff Franz, Kyle Ritchie, Grace Patterson, some idiot they forced into the picture for some reason, Felix Castro and Robert Phaneuf |
( Thanks to Rebecca Ritchie for taking this picture, which unfortunately
allowed forced me to disgrace it.)
Unfortunately (for me at least) I had LOTS of technical issues (and decided that it was finally time to replace my old refurbished laptop that could not keep a wifi connection, has a right arrow key has not worked for six months, and 'blue-screened' four times over the weekend). However I (hope) I managed to not let these get in the way of 40 fun and exciting games for everyone.
Despite issues (including losing the data that I had entered Thursday night and having to re-enter it before anyone could register) we actually managed to start the first round on time!
Dylan Scribner v Kyle Ritchey |
Jeff Franz v Rob Phaneuf |
Dariusz Bienkowski v Blake Shrode |
Felix Castro v Jesse Berglund |
Grace Patterson v Jordan Nichols |
Kris DeGrow v Kara Brown |
Nathaniel Johnson v Marshall Temple |
Steven De La Garza v Matthew Temple |
During lunch all the players set out there armies for paint judging and favorite army voting.
Kris DeGrow's Empire of Dust |
Steven De La Garza's League of Rhordia |
Matthew Temple's Ogres |
Kara Brown's Trident Realm of Neritica |
Jordan Nichols' Ogres (ok, so except for the chariot the army, these were Rob Phaneuf's ogres) |
Jesse Berglund's Twilight Kin |
Blake Shrode's Abyssal Dwarfs |
Rob Phaneuf's Kindoms of (half)Men |
Kyle Ritchey's Ogres |
Dylan Scribner's Sylvan Kin |
Jeff Franz's Twilight Kin |
Dariusz Bienkowski's Northern Alliance |
Felix Castro's Northern Alliance |
Nathanial Johnson's Dwarfs |
Marshall Temple's Undead |
Grace Patterson's Order of the Green Lady |
Then Round 2 then got underway
Overall Champion, Jesse Cornwell Sportsman, Best General |
Round 3 then got underway. This was the round that had a special scenario involving the chariot that everyone brought - where it would score victory points if it could go around the table and grab the checkered flag from the other side ( otherwise it was invade)
Marshall v Rob |
Nate v Jesse |
Kara v Jordan |
Jeff v Kyle |
Grace v Matt |
Dylan v Blake |
Dariusz v Steve |
Kris v Felix |
On Sunday during lunch, everyone set out their chariots for voting.
Rob Phaneuf |
Steven De La Garza |
The fifth and final round then actually started a little early!
Dylan v Jesse |
Jordan v Felix |
Marshall v Grace |
Dariusz v Jeff |
Matt v Kyle |
Nate v Steve |
Kara v Rob |
Kris v Blake |
Then with a bit of fiddling around counting all the favorite chariot and favorite opponent votes (I am always very pleased when every player received at least one vote for being in someone's top 3 opponents - that is a goal we always want to see.
Blake, of course, loved to show off his natural charm handing out all the awards.
Jordan Nichols - Dice Hate Me |
Jesse Berglund - Counter Charger |
Marshall Temple - Favorite Chariot |
Grace Patterson - General's Choice (favorite army) |
Grace Patterson (again) for Best Appearance ($40 Mantic Gift Card) |
Steven De La Garza for Best General ($50 Mantic Gift Card) |
Nathaniel Johnson Best Overall ($80 Mantic Gift Card, GPoM patch) |
Felix Castro - Jesse Cornwell Sportsman (pre-release copy of Halo Flashpoint) |
(sorry, I was informed that I had mistakenly included the full sports scores (and the favorite army votes) in the overall score - that has been fixed using the 50 pt limit as specified in the pack). I'd like to blame this on the many technical issues I had with my computer, but I believe it was actually a pebkac issue, and take full responsibility for it.
You can see the individual round results as well as the breakdown for appearance and sportsmanship (and links to everyone's army lists) at the
Grand Prix of Michigan 2024 site.
And that wraps it up for this year. We of course plan to be back again next year (hopefully back in October once more), and the Michigan GT looks to be getting bigger and better!
Thanks to Blake for setting this up - it wouldn't be the same without him, and he always shows everyone a great time. And thanks to everyone who came out to Lansing for a couple days of rolling dice and being with friends
Because is it all fun and games . . .
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