Grand Prix of Michigan 2021

Before the world turned into a cesspool of disease, the Michigan GT was expanding with lots of additional tournaments (which is how Adepticon started).  We held a little three round one day event there, and now it is back for 2021 as a full GT.

Blake Shrode organized the event, putting in as much effort as he does to his 'big game' at Adepticon and Gencon.  Ok, it isn't a big game - it is a fricken HUGE MASSIVE 30,000 points a side super mega battle!

We ended up with 18 players (one did not show up unfortunately, so Blake didn't get to play :-( ).  

One of the unique features this year was that every player had to bring an additional chariot (their racecar, as it were), that could be tricked out with one of four options, and there is a special award for the best chariot model.

Round one getting off to a great start promptly at 9 am

Michael Collette v David Baker

Rob Phaneuf v Jon Carter

Marc Taylor v Marshall Temple

Nicholas Shilhaneck v Jeff Franz

Scott Schlicter v Kara Brown

Matthew Temple v Eldon Krosch Jr

Bryan Novak v Kyle Ritchey

Daniel Bryan v Shannon Shoemaker

Adam Kinne v Eric Reiss

Between Rounds 1 and 2 the players had a lunch break, while I had to get my butt in gear to do the paint judging.  This was a combination of self scoring and judged scoring, with a limit to the amount of points that would apply toward a player's overall score.

Rob Phaneuf's Ogres

Jon Carter's Ogres (with a John Carter of Mars theme)

Marc Taylor's Empire of Dust

Nicholas Schilhaneck's Kingdom of Men

Scott Schlicter's Undead

Kara Brown's Ogres

Jeff Franz's Northern Alliance

Marshall Temple's ratkin

Matthew Temple's Forces of the Abyss

Eldon (Donny) Krosch Jr's Basileans

Kyle Ritchey's Goblins

Daniel Bryan's Sylvan Kin (they only look like Empire of Dust)

Adam Kinne's Orcs

Bryan Novak's Elves

David Baker's Nightstalkers

Michael Collet's Brotherhood: Order of the Green Lady

Eric Reiss' Varangur

Shannon Shoemaker's Goblins

Blake Shrode's Abyssal Dwarfs (unfortunately he didn't get to play as the ringer, but I thought he still deserved for people to see his army!)

Round 2 then got started

Shannon Shoemaker v Rob Phaneuf

Bryan Novak v Scott Schlichter

Nicholas Schilhaneck v Marshall Temple

David Baker v Marc Taylor

Michael Collet v Daniel Bryan

Kyle Ritchey v Eric Reiss

Jeff Franz v Jon Carter

Matthew Temple v Adam Kinne

Kara Brown v Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr.

Round 3 started just a couple of minutes late

Kara Brown v Adam Kinne

Jon Carter v Bryan Novak

Eric Reiss v Shannon Shoemaker

Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr. V David Baker

Scott Schlichter v Daniel Bryan

Kyle Ritchey v Marc Taylor

Jeff Franz v Rob Phaneuf

Matthew Temple v Nicholas Schilhaneck

Marshall Temple v Michael Collet

After game three the players were able to relax and take it easy until the next morning, when round 4 started at 9 am.  I say the players, because I still had to figure out who brought the best chariot model!

Rob Phaneuf

Marshall Temple - showing we are all just rats in a cage

Jeff Franz - who many arms can a chariot have?

Kara Brown - who is driving, the ogre diver or the Octopus?

Scott Schlichter's ghostly orc chariot

Nicholas Schilhaneck

Marc Taylor

Matthew Temple with a great conversion

Eldon "Danny" Krosch Jr

Kyle Ritchie with a goblin chariot out of control

Eric Reiss

Adam Kinne

Bryan Novak

David Baker (ok, I'll be honest, I made this for him to use in the tournament)

Michael Collet

Daniel Bryan

Shannon Shoemaker - really hitting the theme

Jon Carter's martian airship

Blake Shrode (again, unable to play :-( )

Round 4 got started promptly Sunday morning at 9.  Well except for one table, because someone thought we started at 10.  But we do have a lunch break, so the final round should be on time.

David Baker v Jeff Franz

Rob Phaneuf v Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr

Bother vs Brother as Matthew Temple faces off against Marshall Temple

Marc Taylor v Shannon Shoemaker

Jon Carter v Adam Kinne

Daniel Bryan v Nicholas Schilhaneck

Scott Schlichter v Eric Reiss

Kara Brown v Kyle Ritchey

Michael Collet v Bryan Novak

The Michigan GT provided some great prize support for the event, including trophies (except for the Jesse Cornwell Sportsmanship Award, which I made), and a lot of prizes.

The coolest award may be the championship jacket however.

They also provided some cool swag - Blake custom designed these arc templates

They are a great size, and will go perfectly with the angle corner I got years ago at Masters from the Pacific Northwest team (and I have tried to make my own version, but it is not as good as that one).

I did want to take a few extra pictures of some of the real cool models / armies.

Kyle Ritchey's Goblins were cool.  Not just his chariot (where the mawbeast broke free, leaving the orclings to plummet down the hill out of control), but his display board showed the goblins summoning night stalkers - with the eyes reflecting the glow of the portal.

Jon Carter did his John Carter of Mars Ogre army, with some really cool stuff.

John Carter himself as Grokagamok

Cool martian airship, with Deja Thoris leading the way

One of his many green martian hordes (played as Ogre Hunters).  The fun thing with this unit is it has a dead Matt Damon model in the back (from The Martian, of course)

Lots of people commented on his great white martian ape as a giant.

Matthew Temple is already an extraordinary painter, and he just keeps upping his game.  His display board is a cave, with the Abyssal forces inside.

The gargoyles are hanging upside down from the top of the cave!

Full of Abyssals

The cave looks so friendly from the outside - but is full of evil.

Marc Taylor wrapped this skeletal dragon around his Monolith for his Empire of Dust army, as the model now moves - so it makes sense for the dragon to carry it.

Round 5 started on time, and there were a few tense battles for the top position

Marc Taylor v Rob Phaneuf

Scott Schlichter v Michael Collet

Shannon Shoemaker v Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr

David Baker v Adam Kinne

Kyle Ritchey v Matthew Temple

Marshall Temple v Bryan Novak

Jeff Franz v Eric Reiss

Daniel Bryan v Jon Carter

Kara Brown v Nicholas Schilhaneck

And with that it was all over but the awards.

As always, I like to get a picture of everyone

Front row, L to R : Bryan Novak, Kyle Ritchie, Matthew Temple, Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr, Erick Reiss, Daniel Bryan, Adam Kinne
Back Row, L to R: Rob Phaneuf, Scott Schlichter, Kara Brown, Marshall Temple, Michael Collet, Nicholas Schilhaneck, Marc Taylor, Shannon Shoemaker, Jeff Franz, Blake Shrode, David Baker, Jon Carter

The final prize haul - EVERYONE walked away with something.

Bryan Novak with the "Dice Hate Me" award, because coming in last place is all due to the dice.

Kara Brown took the Counter-Charge award for coming in dead middle

Jon Carter won General's Choice for his "John Carter of Mars" Ogre army

Matthew Temple won the Best Appearance for his fantastic Abyssal army.

Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr won the 2nd best general

Kyle Ritchey won for the Best Chariot

Shannon Showmaker won Best General

 Scott Schlichter won the Jesse Cornwell Sportsman Award, with a perfect score, getting not only sportsman points but being voted #1 favorite opponent by everyone he played.

Marc Taylor walked off as the winner with the Best Overall

I wish I could provide a link to the tournament results on warscore, but the site is gone, and while the software still works to score tournaments, we can no longer upload anything, nor can people see it.

So here are the results:

Michigan GT 2021

Top Results

Place Name Total Awards Opponents
1 Marc Taylor 165 Best Overall Marshall Temple, David Baker, Kyle Ritchey, Shannon Shoemaker, Rob Phaneuf
2 Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr. 164 2nd General Matthew Temple, Kara Brown, David Baker, Rob Phaneuf, Shannon Shoemaker
3 Shannon Shoemaker 162 Best General Daniel Bryan, Rob Phaneuf, Eric Reiss, Marc Taylor, Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr.
4 Rob Phaneuf 159   Jon Carter, Shannon Shoemaker, Jeff Franz, Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr., Marc Taylor
5 Nicholas Schilhaneck 152   Jeff Franz, Marshall Temple, Matthew Temple, Daniel Bryan, Kara Brown
6 David Baker 151   Michael Collet, Marc Taylor, Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr., Jeff Franz, Adam Kinne
7 Jon Carter 150 Player's Choice Rob Phaneuf, Jeff Franz, Bryan Novak, Adam Kinne, Daniel Bryan
8 Jeff Franz 149   Nicholas Schilhaneck, Jon Carter, Rob Phaneuf, David Baker, Eric Reiss
9 Kara Brown 145 CounterCharge Scott Schlichter, Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr., Adam Kinne, Kyle Ritchey, Nicholas Schilhaneck
10 Eric Reiss 144   Adam Kinne, Kyle Ritchey, Shannon Shoemaker, Scott Schlichter, Jeff Franz
11 Kyle Ritchey 143 Best Chariot Bryan Novak, Eric Reiss, Marc Taylor, Kara Brown, Matthew Temple
12 Adam Kinne 140   Eric Reiss, Matthew Temple, Kara Brown, Jon Carter, David Baker
13 Marshall Temple 139   Marc Taylor, Nicholas Schilhaneck, Michael Collet, Matthew Temple, Bryan Novak
14 Matthew Temple 131 Best Appearance Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr., Adam Kinne, Nicholas Schilhaneck, Marshall Temple, Kyle Ritchey
15 Daniel Bryan 128   Shannon Shoemaker, Michael Collet, Scott Schlichter, Nicholas Schilhaneck, Jon Carter
16 Scott Schlichter 121 Best Sports Kara Brown, Bryan Novak, Daniel Bryan, Eric Reiss, Michael Collet
17 Michael Collet 119   David Baker, Daniel Bryan, Marshall Temple, Bryan Novak, Scott Schlichter
18 Bryan Novak 104 Dice Hate Me Kyle Ritchey, Scott Schlichter, Jon Carter, Michael Collet, Marshall Temple

People also want to see some of the breakdowns.  So first, here are the battle scores:

Battle Scores

Place Name Battle Total Battle 1 Scenario 1 Attrition 1 Battle 2 Scenario 2 Attrition 2 Battle 3 Scenario 3 Attrition 3 Battle 4 Scenario 4 Attrition 4 Battle 5 Scenario 5 Attrition 5
1 Marc Taylor 88 15 5 3 5 4 2 15 3 3 10 3 3 10 4 3
2 Shannon Shoemaker 95 15 5 3 5 5 2 15 4 3 10 3 3 14 5 3
3 Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr. 93 15 5 2 15 4 3 15 4 2 15 4 3 5 1 0
4 Rob Phaneuf 84 15 5 3 15 3 1 15 2 2 5 2 3 10 2 1
5 Nicholas Schilhaneck 90 5 1 1 15 4 2 15 3 2 15 4 3 15 2 3
6 David Baker 82 15 5 3 15 3 2 5 1 3 10 4 2 10 2 2
7 Jon Carter 76 5 4 2 5 3 1 15 4 3 5 4 2 15 5 3
8 Jeff Franz 75 15 3 3 15 4 3 5 1 2 10 2 2 5 4 1
9 Kara Brown 78 15 4 3 5 4 2 10 2 2 15 4 3 5 2 2
10 Eric Reiss 86 15 3 3 10 5 2 5 0 0 15 4 3 15 4 2
10 Kyle Ritchey 74 15 3 3 10 4 2 5 1 1 5 3 1 15 3 3
12 Marshall Temple 66 5 2 0 5 2 1 15 2 3 5 2 2 15 4 3
13 Adam Kinne 79 5 3 2 15 4 3 9 2 2 15 2 3 10 2 2
14 Matthew Temple 61 5 4 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 15 2 3 5 4 1
15 Daniel Bryan 63 5 3 0 15 3 2 15 2 3 5 1 1 5 2 1
16 Scott Schlichter 66 5 2 2 15 3 3 5 2 2 5 2 1 15 2 2
17 Michael Collet 54 5 2 1 5 3 1 5 2 1 15 4 3 5 0 2
18 Bryan Novak 41 5 3 1 5 3 1 5 3 2 5 2 1 5 0 0

Best Appearance had a few components.  All players filled out a self judging sheet up to 30 points.  This was verified by the paint judge, who also filled out judged score.  The player 30 points plus up to 10 points of the judge score are part of the overall (so no more then 40 points were included in the overall score).  For the appearance total, the full judge points were included, as were a possible bonus 5 points for PMC / 90% Mantic army, as well as players choice votes.  (General's Choice was JUST the players choice votes).  (Full disclosure, there was some minor hiccups on the paint scores that have been corrected - they DID NOT affect any of the awards however)

Appearance Scoring

Name Paint Self Score Judged Paint Players Choice Overall Paint Appearance Total
Marc Taylor 38 2   40 40
Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr. 38 10   40 48
Shannon Shoemaker 40 6   40 46
Rob Phaneuf 36 5   40 41
Nicholas Schilhaneck 33   1 34 34
David Baker 33     33 33
Jon Carter 38 5 6 40 49
Jeff Franz 40 6 2 40 48
Kara Brown 36 1 2 39 39
Eric Reiss 34 1   35 35
Kyle Ritchey 40 11 2 40 53
Adam Kinne 32 7   39 39
Marshall Temple 36 2   38 38
Matthew Temple 40 14 3 40 57
Daniel Bryan 38 5   40 43
Scott Schlichter 15     15 15
Michael Collet 28   2 30 30
Bryan Novak 23 5   28 28

Sportsanship scores had a bonus for turning in you list ahead of time (everyone got this), three questions your opponents answered about each game, and favorite opponent votes (each 1st vote was worth 4 points, 2nd worth 2 and 3rd worth 1).

Sportsman Scoring

Name List Sports 1 Sports 2 Sports 3 Sports 4 Sports 5 Favorite Opponent Best Sports
Adam Kinne 10 3 3 1 2 3   22
Bryan Novak 10 3 3 3 3 3 10 35
Daniel Bryan 10 3 3 3 3 2 1 25
David Baker 10 3 3 3 3 3 11 36
Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr. 10 3 3 3 3 3 6 31
Eric Reiss 10 3 3 3 2 2   23
Jeff Franz 10 3 3 3 3 3 9 34
Jon Carter 10 3 3 3 3 3 9 34
Kara Brown 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 28
Kyle Ritchey 10 3 3 3 3 3 4 29
Marc Taylor 10 3 3 3 3 3 12 37
Marshall Temple 10 3 3 3 3 3 10 35
Matthew Temple 10 3 3 3 3 3 5 30
Michael Collet 10 3 3 3 3 3 10 35
Nicholas Schilhaneck 10 3 3 2 3 3 4 28
Rob Phaneuf 10 3 3 3 3 3 10 35
Scott Schlichter 10 3 3 3 3 3 20 45
Shannon Shoemaker 10 3 3 3 3 3 2 27

Finally, overall combined was based on the following
Full battle score + Sports up to 40 pts, Appearance up to 40 pts

Overall Totals

Place Name Battle Total Overall Sports Overall Paint Total
1 Marc Taylor 88 37 40 165
2 Eldon "Donny" Krosch Jr. 93 31 40 164
3 Shannon Shoemaker 95 27 40 162
4 Rob Phaneuf 84 35 40 159
5 Nicholas Schilhaneck 90 28 34 152
6 David Baker 82 36 33 151
7 Jon Carter 76 34 40 150
8 Jeff Franz 75 34 40 149
9 Kara Brown 78 28 39 145
10 Eric Reiss 86 23 35 144
11 Kyle Ritchey 74 29 40 143
12 Adam Kinne 79 22 39 140
13 Marshall Temple 66 35 38 139
14 Matthew Temple 61 30 40 131
15 Daniel Bryan 63 25 40 128
16 Scott Schlichter 66 40 15 121
17 Michael Collet 54 35 30 119
18 Bryan Novak 41 35 28 104

And that is it.  Overall a great tournament, and we hope for even more people next year.

Thank you to everyone who came out and played, to Blake for organizing a great day. and to the Michigan GT for a great place to play.

Because it is all fun and games . . .


  1. Fun tournament twist with the mandatory chariot, and the racers look great across the board - legit swag too, especially that jacket. Quite a few nice armies in attendance, dig those Martians!

  2. Had way too much fun! Hoping to make it out again.

  3. Some good looking and fun armies. Wish I could get out of the house more to see stuff like that in the wild.


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