Pioneer Plunder 2021

With all the restrictions FINALLY starting to life, we really felt that we need to start getting together again.  So the Ohio War Kings held their first post-pandemic tournament - Pioneer Plunder 2021 - at and as a fundraiser for the Ceaser's Creek Pioneer Village.  While we were originally concerned about the weather forecast, it ended up being a beautiful day and we had a great time.

(Front row, L-R) Dave Frank, Grace Patterson, Steve Malone, Kara Brown, Felix Castro.
(Back row, L-R) Bradley Dunlop, Jon Carter, Erich Trowbridge, Matthew Temple

The outdoor venue was beautiful - warm with a little breeze (so you had to watch to keep your army lists from flying away :-) .  

We were in the picnic shelter, behind the big red barn

Lots of space

Setting up tables on Friday night

Being very close to nature, we had a tiny scare, when we realized that we came within about a foot of running over a rabbit's nest in the grass.  There was one little one outside of the nest.  We are hoping that the momma will come and get him, his eyes weren't even open yet.

The only unfortunate part of the event (for me that is) was that we only had nine players, so I had to play to make it even.  This makes it a little more challenging to run the event, and while I had fun getting my ass beat, it also meant that I forgot to take as many pictures as I wanted to - because I had my mind on actually playing the games at the time.

I did get some though

Dave Frank trying to avoid being in the picture in his game against me on round 1

Erich Trowbridge accepted a challenge from Bradley Dunlop for the first round

Grace Patterson was playing Felix, who stepped out of frame just as I got the picture

Matthew Temple v Kara Brown, with a young visitor looking on.  We actually had several people coming by and checking out the event.

Steve Malone plays Jon Carter in Round 1

We were right behind the kitchen, and boy did the grill start to smell good as we wrapped up the first round.  They took orders and we had fresh grilled burgers and hot dogs, fries, nachos, ice tea and soft drinks.    I spent most of lunch doing paint judging.  (Using a modified version of our standard paint scoring sheet)

Grace Patterson's Forces of Nature Army

Felix Castro's Northern Alliance

Dave Frank's Nightstalkers

Kara Brown's Ogres

Matthew Temple's Forces of the Abyss

Jon Carter's Undead

Steve Malone's Varangur

Erich Trowbridge played using Grace Patterson's Undead army

Bradley Dunlop's Nightstalkers

As I write this the day after, I realize I didn't take a picture of my army, but then it wasn't eligible for any prized anyway (as the ringer).   If you really want to see it I wrote about it here and here, though I guess I do need to do an update on it soon.

Paint judging was very challenging, as all but one army were fully done.  In the end it was a tie for top score, and that was largely due to people working toward the painting checklist - which looks for certain things (like conversions), but doesn't reward strong technique as much (because honestly, I don't have they eyesight nor the skillset to properly judge the best techniques).

After lunch we had the second round (which I forgot to get pictures of), and then the third round actually started a little early.

Bradley Dunlop v Felix Castro

Kara Brown v Dave Frank

Matthew Temple looking relaxed as the sun is creeping in on our game (by the end it was getting a little toasty on that side of the pavilion).

Steve Malone hides as Erich Trowbridge figures out what to do

Grace Patterson watches Jon Carter contemplate his move

I recently jumped into the 3d printing game, so I am not 3d printing the trophies for our tournaments.  I plan to use the same tops, but they will have different middle supports (for this, I did a log cabin to represent the Pioneer Village).

Overall Champion and Dice Hate Me (last place)

Jesse Cornwell Sportsmanship Award, Best General and Best Appearance

Dice Hate Me - Bradley Dunlop gets a new set of dice

Best Appearance - Jon Carter get some new brushes

Jesse Cornwell Sportsmanship Award - Dave Frank gets the new Ogre Warlock model (based on and designed with Jesse himself).

Best General - Steve Malone gets a $25 Mantic gift card

Overall Champion - Kara Brown gets a $50 Mantic gift card.

But not only did the winners get prizes, but EVERYONE walked away with a prize, thanks to the generous support from Bradley Dunlop and the Ohio War Kings - starting from the bottom up, everyone who didn't get a prize got to select from a large selection of stuff!

Of course, aside from having fun and rolling dice, this was a fundraiser for the Pioneer Village.  In addition to their entry fee, everyone also bought 1 D6 re-roll per game for $5, and some people generously donated even more, so at the end of the day we gave the village a donation of $240 from the Ohio War Kings.

Ordinarily I would now provide a link to warscore to people could view and explore the results, but, unfortunately, is now gone.  The offline program still works, but the site (and all it's history) are no more :-(.  So I have to try to fit the results here.

Final Results

Place Name Army Appearance Sports Battle Total Attrition Awards
1 Kara Brown Ogres 29 5 55 80 4510 Overall Champion
2 Grace Patterson Nature 31 1 43 66 3320  
3 Erich Trowbridge Undead 20 1 42 63 3665  
4 Dave Frank Nightstalkers 34 6 32 62 3635 Sportsman
5 Mike Carter (Ringer) Trident Realm 28 5 33 58 3910  
6 Matthew Temple Abyssals 32 4 31 57 3905  
7 Felix Castro Northern Alliance 32 4 31 57 3865  
8 Steve Malone Varangur 1   56 56 5755 Best General
9 Jon Carter Undead 34 4 32 56 4095 Best Appearance
10 Bradley Dunlap Nightstalkers 23 5 19 44 3315 Dice Hate Me

Round Pairings

Name Opponent 1 Opponent 2 Opponent 3
Bradley Dunlap Erich Trowbridge Dave Frank Felix Castro
Dave Frank Mike Carter (Ringer) Bradley Dunlap Kara Brown
Erich Trowbridge Bradley Dunlap Matthew Temple Steve Malone
Felix Castro Grace Patterson Jon Carter Bradley Dunlap
Grace Patterson Felix Castro Steve Malone Jon Carter
Jon Carter Steve Malone Felix Castro Grace Patterson
Kara Brown Matthew Temple Mike Carter (Ringer) Dave Frank
Matthew Temple Kara Brown Erich Trowbridge Mike Carter (Ringer)
Mike Carter (Ringer) Dave Frank Kara Brown Matthew Temple
Steve Malone Jon Carter Grace Patterson Erich Trowbridge

There is some confusion for the scoring - mainly limited by the space I have here (I already miss
Here are the calculations
Best Appearance - Base Table Top Score + Additional Paint Score + Favorite Army Votes
Best Sportsman - Sportsmanship Bonus + Favorite Opponent Votes
Best General - Battle scores
Overall - Base Table Top Score + Favorite Army Votes + Sportsmanship Bonus + Favorite Opponent Votes + Battle Score

Here are tables of the results broken out


Appearance Scoring

Place Name Base Paint Additional Painting Favorite Army Appearance Total
1 Kara Brown 20 9   29
2 Grace Patterson 20 9 2 31
3 Erich Trowbridge 20 0   20
4 Dave Frank 20 10 4 34
5 Mike Carter (Ringer) 20 8   28
6 Matthew Temple 20 10 2 32
7 Felix Castro 20 10 2 32
8 Steve Malone 0 1   1
9 Jon Carter 20 14   34
10 Bradley Dunlap 20 3   23


Sportsmanship Scorin

Place Name Sport Bonus Favorite Opponent Sports Total
1 Kara Brown 3 2 5
2 Grace Patterson   1 1
3 Erich Trowbridge   1 1
4 Dave Frank 5 1 6
5 Mike Carter (Ringer) 5   5
6 Matthew Temple 3 1 4
7 Felix Castro 3 1 4
8 Steve Malone      
9 Jon Carter 3 1 4
10 Bradley Dunlap 3 2 5


Overall Scoring

Place Name Battle Base Paint Players Choice Sports Total Total
1 Kara Brown 55 20   5 80
2 Grace Patterson 43 20 2 1 66
3 Erich Trowbridge 42 20   1 63
4 Dave Frank 32 20 4 6 62
5 Mike Carter (Ringer) 33 20   5 58
6 Matthew Temple 31 20 2 4 57
7 Felix Castro 31 20 2 4 57
8 Steve Malone 56 0     56
9 Jon Carter 32 20   4 56
10 Bradley Dunlap 19 20   5 44

Finally, I want to give some special acknowledgments.

Ceaser's Creek Pioneer Village - a great place for a fun day outside - we all needed that and we plan to come back next year!  Not far from Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton (in Ceaser's Creek State Park, and near the Ohio Renaissance Festival grounds) a great little place to experience some Ohio history and just spend a little time outdoors.

Ohio Tent Rental - they were so easy to work with and really helped out for our small fundraiser.  For your next event in SW Ohio, I definitely recommend them.

Dunlop Games - thanks to Bradley Dunlop for his HUGE donation to Ohio War Kings for prize support!

Mantic Games - a big thanks as always to Mantic for their prize support, and for creating and supporting the game we all love, and their huge support of the community.

Because it is all fun and games . . .
