Sponsor Spotlight: RGD Gaming

With the inevitable march of time, each day brings us closer to the 2nd annual War Kings GT, and that means more goodies have been arriving from our sponsors.

Today we take a look at all the great stuff from RGD Gaming.  Robert Dunham is one of the best on-line retailers for Kings of War and Mantic products in the US (if not the best).  Reliable service, free shipping, and always with a discount code at the top of the web page.

RGD Gaming was a sponsor last year, and again have come through with some great prizes and swag for this years tournament.  I like to give away the prize support via a door prize raffle rather than just to the winners (as the winners all get plaques!).  This way, with any luck, everyone walks away with something.  Robert sent us some great items for the raffle:

An arc-of-sight and deployment zone markers
10 (old) hard plastic Basilean Men-at-Arms
Two Blaine mercenary models (for Vanguard) and a Legendary Orlaf model from Dungeon Saga (great if you are making a Varangur or Northern Alliance army)
4 sets of the combined "Livery Stable" and "Blacksmith's Forge" terrain crate
A Kings of War plastic Giant - because who doesn't need another giant?
But not only are there some great raffle prizes, but Robert also sent some of his fantastic brush sets, so that everyone who plays in the tournament will get one!

This set of sable hair brushes comes with three sizes, detail batch painting and drybrush.  They all have wooden handles that are exceptionally easy to hold

You can see the details of the bristles

Since I started using these over a year ago, they have been my go to brushes for all my miniature painting.

Now I'll be honest - I'm not that great of a painter, and I don't always take as good care of my brushes as I should.  But these have stood up to all the abuse I have put them through and still come to sharp points and work great!

In addition to these, they also have a set of six nylon brushes as well available on their web site.

But RGD Gaming isn't just an online retailer - they are expanding into creating some great new fantasy miniatures as well.  They are just about ready to launch a kickstarter to fund hard plastic fauns - with both male and female bodies, as well as options for hand weapons, spears or bows.  In addition, a stretch goal will include centaur bodies that can be combined with the faun kits.  Personally, I'm really excited about this - and plan to finally build a 1000 pt Herd demo army out of it.  You can see some of the progress on their facebook page.

Project image for Help us Make 32mm Hard Plastic Fauns for Your Tabletop Games

So a big Thank You to RGD Gaming for the fantastic support!

Because it is all fun and games . . .
