So this past weekend we held the 4th annual Gem City Massacre in Dayton Ohio. While there dreaded "real life" got in the way a bit so we didn't have quite the attendance of last year, a great time was still held by all. Once again Kara Brown and Amy Stamper ran the event with no issues at all. I was set up as the ringer, but since we had an even number of players I helped with the scoring.
(Back row) Kara, Keith, Tom, Amy, Andrew, Erich, Eric.
(Front Row) Felix, Steve, Grace, Derrick, Kim |
The Awards |
We had ten players for a rainy day at
Epic Loot in Centerville OH. The first round started just a little bit late.
Derrick Byrd faces off against Andrew Summers |
Steve Malone contemplates his move against Kimberly Reiss |
Grace Patterson watches Felix Castro move his units |
Keith Ambrose is enraptured as Eric Reiss checks his measurements |
Erich Trowbridge moves while Tom Ziegler watches |
After the first round we took a break for lunch and paint judging.
Tom Ziegler's Forces of Nature |
Erich Trowbridge's Ratkin |
Keith Ambrose's Ogres |
Grace Patterson's Undead |
Eric Reiss' Elves |
Felix Castro's Abyssals |
Kimberly Reiss' Basileans |
Andrew Summer's Brotherhood |
Steve Malone's Salamanders |
Derrick Byrd's Dwarfs |
This event had a special twist, everyone got a FREE special character (Large Cavalry) - if you played a good or neutral army it was Kringle, if you played evil, it was Krampus. They both had the exact same stats
Kringls / Krampus (Large Cav)
SP 8, Me -, Re -, De 6+, At -, Ne 14/16, Pts Free!
Fly (keep speed 8), Very Inspiring, Martyr's Prayer (7), Bane Chant (2), Pathfinder, Regeneration (5+)
So in addition to judging the entire army, everyone also voted for their favorite special character model.
Tom Ziegler's Kringle |
Erich Trowbridge's Krampus |
Keith Ambrose's Kringle |
Grace Patterson's Krampus |
Eric Reiss' Kringle |
Felix Castro's Krampus |
Kim Reiss' Kringle |
Andrew Summer's Kringle |
Steve Malone's Kringle |
Derrick Byrd's Kringle |
Then the second round got started. The pairings solely based on score would have had two tables with people playing their club mates, so we added in the club restriction as well - to all four peoples satisfaction (you don't want to drive an hour (or even three) just to play someone you play all the time anyway). (Of course 3rd round was straight battle score for the pairings - if you played your best friend for the title then so be it!)
Kim v Grace - would this be for the title of Queen of War? |
Derrick v Steve |
Andrew v Keith |
Eric v Erich |
Felix v Tom |
Then we quickly went into round three!
Erich v Andrew |
Grace v Keith |
Tom V Steve |
Felix v Kim |
Derrick v Eric |
And the three games were done!
I want to thank Kara & Amy again for running a great event for the Ohio War Kings. Everyone has a lot of fun.
Amy & Kara, with some bald guy photo-bombing them. Who lets this kind of riff-raff into these things anyway? |
Keith Ambrose won the Best Special Character award, as well as the Dice Hate Me award (for last place). |
Grace Patterson won Best Sportsman, getting voted favorite opponent by all three of the people she played. |
Erich Trowbridge won Best Appearnce (for his army, not his hat) (even without a call from his mother :-) ) |
Andrew Summers won Best General |
and after several 2nd place finishes, Derrick Byrd wins Overall Champion |
You can see all the scoring over on
warscore. Thanks to all the players and organizers for another great event, and we look forward to doing it again next year!
Because it is all fun and games . . .
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