February SW Ohio Mantic Pathfinder News

Wow, it is groundhog day already?  With the odd weather we have been having it often feels like spring instead of winter.  By the way did you hear they are making a sequal to "Groundhog Day" starring Bill Murray.  It is the same movie as the first time.

Wow, it is groundhog day already?  With the odd weather we have been having it often feels like spring instead of winter.  By the way did you hear they are making a sequal to "Groundhog Day" starring Bill Murray.  It is the same movie as the first time.

Wow, it is groundhog day already?  With the odd weather we have been having it often feels like spring instead of winter.  By the way did you hear they are making a sequal to "Groundhog Day" starring Bill Murray.  It is the same movie as the first time.

Ok, enough of that nonsense (and on to all new nonsense).  What (you say) is going on with Kings of War?  Well the big news is the new "Clash of Kings" book is due to ship on Feb 24th - with five pages written by yours truly.  That in itself is worth two, three or a hundred times the cover price :-).  All kidding aside, this is an excellent book for everyone interested in either running or participating in organized events.

The historical league continues, though we seem to be rapidly losing people as deadlines for such things as Daycon, the Kings of War Masters tournament, Manticon and Adepticon all quickly approach.  Still for those die hards, February is time to play 700 pts and paint your last 300!  We still meet on Fridays at the Hobby Shop, come by and get your historical on!  Full information is available at https://goo.gl/iINV2q .

On February 18th the first annual DayCon Gaming Convention will be happening - and the Ohio War Kings will be there running a small Kings of War tournament.  We sold out the initial 12, however we have opened up two more spaces (and one is still left). You must pre-register for the tournament (sorry, space is extremely limited so we can't have any drop-ins).  Registration for daycon is online at http://www.daycongaming.com/ .

If your winter hasn't been wet enough for your tastes, the Trident Realms of Neritica are coming with a release date of Feb 10th.  Army boxes are still up for pre-order, and expect individual units to start being available in March.

After a very successful International Kings of War Campaign day, Mantic has said that they will be using a similar system for their new summer campaign.  Watch for more news as it develops.

Everyone should have their first wave of Warpath miniatures and we are currently eagerly awaiting the second (for all the vehicles) with baited breath.  Warpath retail is set for April.  While I have my huge box, I haven't yet been able to get much together and try a game, but soon.  Our own Keith Ambrose has taken on the daunting task of preparing to teach this game at both Origins and Gencon (including getting armies for all the factions painted (who would do something silly like have ALL the factions?).

No news for Deadzone this month, nor for Dreadball.  Check last months newsletter (they are all on my blog) if you want to see what little I know there.

Now that everyone has Rick and his hearty band of survivors painted and battling walkers, we are eagerly awaiting the second kickstarter wave for these.  Mantic is doing some really great retailer exclusive boosters for this game, with everything from Rick riding a horse to Ezekiel and his pet tiger Shiva coming this spring.  Yes, you will soon be able to play a tiger against walkers!

Keep watching for more retail releases as Mantic continues to focus on that side of their business.  I'd love to detail exactly what is coming out in the next few months, but Mantic is being a bit more tight lipped about new releases than usual right now. 

If you haven't been paying attention, there is a boat load of tournament opportunities coming up this year - February and March are jam packed.

February 18th - Daycon (Fairborn OH)
February 25-6 - Kings of War Masters (Nashville, TN)
March 3-5 - Manticon (Nashville, TN) (yes, I'm driving to Nashville for two weekends in a row)
March 23-26 - Adepticon (Chicago IL)
June 14-18 - Origins (Columbus OH)
August 17-20 - Gencon (Indianapolis, IN)

There are still plenty of openings for people to help out at Origins, and either qualify to be an official member of the Ohio War Kings (allowing you to pre-register at a discount) or to earn a full 4-day badge.  Contact me if you are interested - but be aware time is running out to take advantabe of this great way to play and attend a great convention.

Also a big welcome goes out to our Ohio War Kings crew in Cleveland - they have stepped up and jumped at the chance to help run events at Gencon - so many that they filled up all the available spots in less than a day once I asked for help.  Thanks guys, and see you in Indianapolis!

If you can't get enough of me babbling on about fun, games and hobbies, please check out my blog at http://blog.untilsomebodylosesaneye.net/ .  Believe it or not but this month marks the second anniversary (blogiversary?) of my starting this little endeavor, and I have plenty more to come!  (I do take requests (and bribes), so if there is something you want me to write about - let me know!)

Mike Carter
Your friendly local Mantic pathfinder:
