October SW Ohio Mantic Pathfinder News

It is October, and the weather is (in my opinion, but then that is all that counts in my newsletter, isn't it?) beautiful.  The summer humidity is gone, the days are pleasantly warm without being hot, the nights are cool, the pollen count is down so my alergies aren't bothering me (as much).  Unfortunately we all know what this leads to, so beware.  ELECTIONS are Coming!  (I can't express how glad I will be once they is over)

Kings of War : Historical is in people's hands, and we are celebrating it's release with a new Escalation League.  All the details are on my blog at https://goo.gl/iINV2q (trying out the Google URL shortener).  October is our first build month - however IF we end up with several people unable to get their minis this month we can push back a month - let me know if you have an issue building 300 pts in October.  Also let me know if you are participating - there is no cost so some people don't think to say that they want in and what army they are using.  One note - I will not be able to be at the Hobby Shop on Friday the 14th or the 28th as I will be out of town.  However that DOES NOT mean you can't come and play anyway!

With the fall weather comes frightening things out on the sidewalks - and I don't mean politicians!  Ghouls, ghasts and zombies will soon be everywhere - so what better time to head down to Epic Loot in Centerville and learn to play Mantic's new Game - The Walking Dead : All Out War.  I'll be running demos of this from 12 to 6 pm on Saturday, October 22nd so come and give it a try.  You can check out the Facebook event at https://goo.gl/FWbCP9 .  The boat with the kickstarter and retail versions is expected to make port on the 18th and the last time I checked was smack dab in the Strait of Sicily between Tunisia and Sicily (you can track it yourself here : https://goo.gl/9ZtUCP ).

For those of you that seem to be shy about getting on facebook or the web - Mantic is currently running their latest Kickstarter for Star Saga.  It is almost at a quarter of a million dollars and scheduled to end on October 21st at 6:59 pm EDT.  They have alreaded added nameless into the base pledge, and have said they are going to be doing and expansion with Veer-myn next.  Check it out at https://goo.gl/sKNMwR.  The base pledge ($100) now has 73 miniatures (and it keeps going up!), 10 doors and 20-25 pieces of terrain plus tiles, dice and rules, and expansions for character creation and adventure creation.

We have a name for the Ohio War Kings tournament now - the Gem City Massacre.  This will be held at Epic Loot on Saturday November 12th.  Tournament pack and registration are at https://goo.gl/OaaTYc .  I'd really like to see some pre-registrations for this so we can give the good folks at the store an idea of the expected turnout.  We filled up the Hobby Shop last year with 12 players, and I'd like to have more to encourage Epic Loot to start carrying Kings of War.

On the Warpath front - that kickstart should start shipping the first wave next month.  If you backed it, then you should have received a link to download the new Warpath novel for free from Mantic Digital.  If you didn't - well you will just have to wait until next year for any of the new goodies, won't you?

Dreadball is fairly quiet - you did fill out your pledge manager - didn't you?

Deadzone is shipping the revised Nexus Psi exansion, updated for the new rules.  Mantic listened to the cries people wailing and gnashing their teeth because the expansion book (with solo rules for playing against zombies and new elite army list for plague and enforcers) was only available with the full expansion (including terrain, zombies and a new sculpt for Dr. Simmonds), and is now making the book available on it's own.

Keep checking my blog - it is full of pictures and more mantic musings, as well as hobby tips and even the occasional gaming information that isn't Mantic related (*shock*).

Because it is all fun and games . . .  http://blog.untilsomebodylosesaneye.net/

Mike Carter
Your friendly local Mantic pathfinder:
