Ok, in an attempt to get back on track this newsletter is coming out in the middle of the month, then hopefully October will be back to the start of the month. (That is if I remember to send it after writing it this time :-) ).
The Kings of War: Historical book is due out in a couple of weeks and is up for pre-order either at the Mantic web store or your FLGS (and support local when you can folks). Plus the new Mantic Compendium is also finally up for pre-order - this one is also available for Mantic points if you need to spend those on something. If it sells well they are thinking about making it an ongoing magazine - so if you like that sort of thing get out there and support it with your purchase.
The Walking Dead: All Out War kickstarter should be shipping soon - kickstarter backers should all have their copies before the end of October (with the retail release set for November 7th (this is when Mantic starts shipping - so expect street date a week or two after that).
Mantic just announced their next kickstarter - kicking off on September 26th will be Star Saga - or Dungeon Saga in space. Dungeon Saga went over a million dollars - will Space Saga be able to match it. Either way, it should be a fun ride.
And speaking of Dungeon Saga, the Dungeon Saga : Tyrant of Halpi expansion has, unfortunately, been pushed back a month (or so) due to shipping issues. When things are manufactured half a world away it can challenging to get it across the ocean and ready for distribution.
Plague players are finally getting their re-released starter and booster for Deadzone in October, as well as Warpath versions of these models (same models, packaged as units). The Warpath kickstarter is getting ready to ship as well - so lots of new toys coming in.
Speaking of kickstarters, the Dreadball 2 kickstarter pledge manager came out. Mantic is even using any additional backers and funds to continue to release stretch goals - so everyone at the Striker and above level now gets the brand new Neo-Bot team for free. If they can get enough new late pledges, then the Elmer & Dobs commentary team (card holder) will become available. Mantic has not yet said when the pledge manager will close - but don't wait too long. Go to http://manticdigital.com/pledgemanager/dreadball/ and add your pledge.
The Ohio War Kings are now officially meeting on Friday nights at the Hobby Shop from 6 until 9 pm. Feel free to come early if you want to meet someone to get an extra game in. Our first Friday game night had several people new to our group and from out of town. Right now I am looking at doing a Kings of War tournament in late October / early November - and since we maxed out the Hobby Shop (which only has six tables unfortunately) this one may be moved down to Epic Loot (which has 12 tables). More details as that gets firmed up.
We are also looking at doing an new escalation league. Several people have said they are interested in doing a historical army - so my thoughts is to do a league based on the historical book. However if you have to do a fantasy army, I'll allow that as well (as well as allowing Mythical Units to be taken). The idea is to build armies and get games in (but we will be using the new rule for hills from the Historical book). Start date is still up in the air, as I guess we need to actually get the book before we start. (I'm thinking of building 2 historical demo armies - Romans v. Celts (using the Hail Ceasar models from Warlord Games)).
Keep checking my blog - it is full of pictures and more mantic musings, as well as hobby tips and even the occasional gaming information that isn't Mantic related (*shock*).
Because it is all fun and games . . . http://blog.untilsomebodylosesaneye.net/
Mike Carter
Your friendly local Mantic pathfinder:
A late October/early November KoW tournament sounds like a GREAT idea. I'll try and get some of the Indy folks together and carpool for it.