Might need to dry myself off here

One thing I like to do here is to get the latest information and previews for my readers as soon as possible.  I don't like having tiny posts though, so no every single thing gets out there.  I am also trying to keep to a twice a week (minimum) schedule - which means I am constantly looking for more things to talk about, especially ones that aren't already out there (which is why I haven't been posting about Dreadball - everything I get schedules gets outdated by the latest Mantic Blog post).

This week that seems to have gone completely out the window.  I forget to set the time/date to publish a post and it went out immediately, plus I by chance happened to notice that yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of my most read post ever and I had some thoughts on that.

And then I see a picture.  I don't play the army except as a demo force (but then I have all the main book armies as demo forces).  But I want it.  No, not the extra picture of the earth elementals I snuck into yesterdays post this morning.

I'm seeing this and the gamer drool starts flowing, making the want in me bubble up into a great cry of "It Must be Mine!".  I may need to go towel myself off.

Mantic is working on REDACTED REDACTED.  Now I made my own using REDACTED REDACTED - but these looks like they will be much cooler.  You know, the ones I wrote about like four weeks ago?  Which are still in the queue to get posted when I run out of urgent new stuff to talk about . . .

Anyway, I want these.  Along with the earth elementals they would make my REDACTED 100% Mantic models (which is a good thing when promoting the game).

And just for those who might have missed the new picture of the earth elementals

Earth Elementals

UPDATE - Sorry, but I have been asked by the powers that be to pull the awesome picture of REDACTED.  I hope to put it back up soon.

Because it is all fun and games . . .
