A Tourneying we go

It feels like I haven't run anything in such a long time, even though Gencon was back in August.

I ran the first 2nd edition Kings of War tournament in Ohio this past Saturday (Oct. 24th).  Armies clashed, dice were rolled, and a great time was had by all.

A great turnout : Dave Baker, Donny Harville, Bill Robertson, Kara Brown, Jason Herald, Roger Connor, Jason Moorman, Chris Whitehead, Jesse Cronwell, Daniel Payne, Keith Ambrose (Beth Hill not pictured)
I wanted to try something different this time, so each player brought in a terrain piece, and then they all had to pick three pieces to use during the tournament (they could not pick the one they brought). I thought it might make the tables a bit different instead of all of them trying to be similar and balanced.

We started off a little late, but managed to catch up and ended on time!  The shop can comfortably hold twelve players (we can squeeze in four more by combining low tables), so it was perfect that we had 12 players.  Nine of the twelve people who came walked away with prizes as well.  Plus the shop managed to sell both copies of the hardback book - so it was a success all around.

Round 1 (Invade) under way!
Round 1 was an Invade scenario.  In addition to the standard victory, each round had individual objective points that could be earned regardless of winning or losing.  For this round, we used a messenger setup - each player got a free messenger model for their army.  These allowed the players to score additional tournament points for :

  • 1 point – Move your messenger off your opponents long table edge.
  • 1 point – Route the enemy messenger.
  • 1 point – Routing an enemy hero.  If your opponent has no heroes then you automatically get this point.
  • 1 point – Route your opponent’s highest cost non-hero unit. (If multiple units with the same cost, any counts)
  • 1 point – Control a terrain feature on your side of the table.

I have always found that the closest games were always the most fun, but tournament games tended to be so much an 'all or nothing' setup - where regardless of the scenario played you also needed to table your opponent to get maximum points.  I really dislike this, so have my point system set one a 30 to 10 scale.  20 pts each for a tie, 25 and 15 for a victory, and 30 - 10 for a major victory (basically doubling the  victory conditions - so in Invade you win if you get 10% of the battle more units across the center line (200 pts), a major victory would be 20% (i.e. 400 pts).  This is the max score you can get, so it does not encourage you to crush your opponent, and hopefully have closer, more fun games.
Kara v. Chris round 1

David v. Roger round 1

Bill v Jason H. round 1

Dan v Beth round 1

Keith v Jesse round 1

Jason M. v Donny round 1
Between the first and second rounds was a lunch break, as well as appearance judging.  Appearance has two components - a base score (up to 20 pts) that should be easy to achieve that is part of the full tournament score, plus additional points for more detailed work that go toward the best appearance award.  So here are the armies, and the lists.

Kara Brown - Basileans
Men at arms Horde w/ spears
Paladan Foot Guard Regiment w/ Amulet of Thorns
Penitents Troop
Elohi Regiment w/ Brew of Haste
Elohi Regiment w/ Blessings of the Gods
Paladin Knights Horde w/Potion of the Caterpillar
Sisterhood Panther Lancers Troop
High Paladin on Griffin w/ Blade of the Beast Slayer
Priest on horse w/Bane Chant

Chris Whitehead - Ogres
2x Ogre Warrior Regiment
Ogre Warrior Horde
Berserker Braves Horde w/ potion of the caterpillar
Shooters Horde w/ brew of keen-eyeness
2x Boomers Regiment
2x Red Goblin Scouts Regiment
Army Std Bearer w/ Blade of Slashing
2x Army Std Bearer

Roger Connor - Orcs
Ax Horde
Morax Regiment
Greatax Regiment
Orclings Horde
Troll Horde
2x Gore Rider Regiment
Krudger on Slasher w/ Ensorcelled Armour
Flagger w/Healing Charm
War Drum

David Baker - Ogres
2x Ogre Warrior Regiment
Berserker Braves horde w/ Helm of Confidence
Siege Breakers Horde w/ Potion of the Caterpillar
Shooters Horde w/ Brew of Keen-eyeness
2x Red Goblin Scouts Troops
Warlord w/ Ensorcelled Armour

Beth Hill - Kingdoms of Men
Foot Guard Regiment (2H weapons), w/Brew of Haste
Heavy Pike Block Horde w/Brew of Strength
Bowmen Regiment
Crossbowmen Troop w/ Jar of the Four Winds
Knights Regiment w/ Helm of Confidence
2x Mounted Scouts Troops
Mounted Sergeants Regiment
3x Cannon
Army Standard Bearer w/ Healing Charm
Wizard (Lightning Bolt, Bane Chant) w/ Amulet of the Fire-Heart
Beast of War (ballista)

Daniel Payne - Undead
2x Skeleton Spearmen Regiment
Skeleton Archers Horde w/ Brew of Keen-eyeness
2x Revenant Troop
Wraiths Regiment w/ Amulet of Thorns
Xombie Legion (Undead giant Rats) w/ Brew of Courage
Revenent Cavalry Regiment w/ Brew of Sharpness
Revenent Cavalry Regiment w/ Blessings of the Gods
3x Undead Army Std Bearer
4x Necromancer (Bane Chant)

Keith Ambrose - Elves - 4th
Palace Guard Troop
Glade Stalkers Troop
Glade Stalkers Regiment w/Fire-Oil
Sea Guard Horde w/brew of strength
Hunters of the Wild Troop
Forest Shamblers Regiment
Forest Shamblers Horde w/Brew of Haste
Stormwind Cavalry w/ Brew of Courage
Elven Mage (Bane Chant, Fireball)
Elven King w/ Quicksilver Rapier
Master Hunter
Tree Herder

Jesse Cronwell - Ogres
Red Goblins Horde w/ brew of Keen-eyeness
3x Warriors Horde
Siege Breakers Regiment w/ Blessing of the Gods
Siege Breakers Regiment w/Chant of Hate
2x Boomers Regiment
2x Red Goblin Scouts Regiment
Army Std Bearer w/ War-bow of Kaba
Army Std Bearer w/ Kevinar's Flying Hammer
Army Std Bearer w/ Blade of Slashing

Jason Moorman - Elves
Sea Guard Horde
Palace Guard Regiment
Stormwind Cavalry Regiment w/ pipes of terror
Stormwind Cavalry Regiment
2x Drakon Riders Regiment
2x Gladestalkers Troop
Dragon Lord w/ Ensorcelled Armour
Army Std Bearer w/Diadem of Dragonkind
Army Std Bearer w/ Kaba's Holy Hand Grenades

Donny Harville - Ogres
Warriors Horde (2HW) w/ Chant of Hate
Warriors Horde w/ Brew of Courage
2x Warriors Horde
Boomers Regiment w/ Heart Seeking Chant
Chariots Regiment w/ Brew of Strength
Warlord w/ Brew of Haste
Captain (2HW) w/ Boomstick
Army Standard w/ Ensorcelled Armour
Warlock w/ Inspiring Talisman
Red Goblin Blaster

Jason Herald - Twilight King w/ Ogre Allies - 11th
Spearmen Horde w/ Brew of Sharpness
Crossbowmen Regiment w/ Heart Seeking Chant
Reaper Guard Regiment
Blade Dancer Regiment w/ The Fog
Dark Knights Regiment
2x Twilight Bolt Thrower
Dark Lord on Black Pegasus w/ Diadem of Dragon kind
High Priestess of the Abyss (bane-chant) w/ Amulet of the Fire Heart
Ogre Warriors Horde w/ Chant of Hate
Chariot Regimetn w/ Helm of Confidence
Army Std Bearer

Bill Robertson - Ogres w/orc allies
Ogre Warrior Horde w/ Warbow of Kaba
Berserker Braves Horde w/ Blessing of the Gods
Seige Breakers Horde w/ Dwarven Ale
Boomers Horde
Warlock (Fireball) w/ Amulet of the Fire Heart
Ax Regiment
Trolls Horde
Troll Bruiser w/ Onyx Ring

Round 2 (Loot) gets going
Round two was the Loot! scenario.  Additional tournament points could be scored for:
  • 1 point – Have your lowest cost non-hero unit survive the game (if multiple, then you must pick one before the game starts).
  • 1 point – Route your opponent’s highest cost non-hero unit. (If multiple units with the same cost, any counts).
  • 1 point – Completing a rear charge with a non-individual unit during the game.
  • 1 point – Have a unit pass a route check because of a re-roll due to the “Inspiring” rule during the game.
  • 1 point – Control a terrain feature on your opponent’s side of the table
Donny v Keith round 2

Dan v Kara round 2
Dan manged to pull off a win against the reigning US Champion - to which Jesse replied that he would be insufferable to drive with back home to West Virginia.

Roger v Bill round 2

Dave v Chris round 2

Jason M. vs Jesse round 2

Beth v Jason H round 2

and Round 3 (Kill) getting started.  Trying to show all six tables (three in the foreground, one off to the right, and the last two all the way at the front of the shop in the back of this shot.
For the final round, we went with a simple Kill! scenario (people are tired, so try to make it easy for them).  Additional tournament points could be earned for:
  • 1 - 3 points – Control a non-hill terrain feature (forest, wall, swamp, ruin or building).  This is the same as controlling objectives, and only solid units can control one
  • 1 point – Route opponents lowest cost non-hero unit (if multiple, then any count)
  • 1 point – Routing an enemy hero.  If your opponent has no heroes then you automatically get this point.
David v Jesse round 3

Beth v Keith, round 3

Dan v Roger, round 3

Jason M v Bill, round 3

Donny v Kara, round 3

Jason H v Chris round 3
And the Winner is:  Roger Connor, with Orcs.  He received a $50 gift certificate to the store.

2nd Place ($25) went to Jason Moorman who played Elves.  Jason also won a $10 gift certificate for having the best terrain piece

Kara Brown took a $25 gift certificate for best appearance as well.

Jesse Cornwell 'won' a new set of dice to help him place better next time.  In addition to these prizes (which were from the entry fees for the tournament), Mantic also provided prize support that was raffled off to the non-prize winners - including a Warpath Forge Fathers Army box, Warpath Enforcers Squad, Enforcers Heavy Weapons Squad, Elf Archers, Undead Archers and Basilean Crossbows!  So nine out of twelve people took home more in prizes than the tournament cost them - not bad.

Time to start planning the next one!

Hobby Shop 10/24/15

Place Name Army Total Opponents Battle Paint Terrain Players Choice Favorite Opponent Attrition Additional Painting Best Appearance Awards
1 Roger Conner Orcs 132 David Baker, Bill Robertson, Daniel Payne 102 20 5 5 4850 7 32 Best Overall
2 Jason Moorman Elves 118 Donny Harville, Jesse Cornwell, Bill Robertson 88 20 5 4 1 3360 10 34 2nd Place / Best Terrain
3 Kara Brown Basileans 112 Chris Whitehaed, Daniel Payne, Donny Harville 84 20 5 2 1 4545 8 30 Best Appearance
4 Keith Ambrose Elves 92 Jesse Cornwell, Donny Harville, Beth Hill 65 20 5 2 3225 9 29
5 Beth Hill Kingdoms of Men 92 Daniel Payne, Jason Herald, Keith Ambrose 66 20 5 1 2720 5 25
6 David Baker Ogres 89 Roger Conner, Chris Whitehaed, Jesse Cornwell 71 17 1 3680 5 22
7 Donny Harville Ogres 81 Jason Moorman, Keith Ambrose, Kara Brown 64 17 3860 4 21
8 Daniel Payne Undead 77 Beth Hill, Kara Brown, Roger Conner 72 3 2 3730 0 3
9 Bill Robertson Ogres 77 Jason Herald, Roger Conner, Jason Moorman 60 17 3595 7 24
10 Chris Whitehaed Ogres 67 Kara Brown, David Baker, Jason Herald 41 20 5 1 2305 9 30
11 Jason Herald Twilight Kin 56 Bill Robertson, Beth Hill, Chris Whitehaed 52 3 1 2955 2 5
12 Jesse Cornwell Ogres 49 Keith Ambrose, Jason Moorman, David Baker 43 3 3 3035 3 6 New Dice


  1. I notice a lot of ogre armies....how are the performing overall?

  2. Well the best an Ogre army did was 6th out of 12. So the half the tournament that was Ogres was the bottom half


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