Da Warpath: a few more updates

A few more updates.

Redid the tramp stamp on the giant

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Finished the banner for the SO Boyz,

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and maybe the NG (I might add some writing on it, don't know yet).

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Tried the boar boy banner but it failed :-(, so try again tonight.

Finally built the sail for the BSB - he is almost done (the board is a bit bare right now)

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Finally a pic of the three orc characters together so show size

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  1. Morten C: 6/8/11
    HAHA... this army just keeps getting funnier laugh.gif

    tramp stamped giants, body building savages, beach gobbos, Orcyla Anderson lifeguards, surfers, jet skies and bikers = Awesome!

    Paiant Slapah: 6/8/11
    Very creative work. Great and crazy theme.


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