Da Warpath: jumping the shark

a couple more pictures of the sharks:

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I've started working on the riders. Once they are painted, then I'll be adding chains as 'bridles' and attach them.

I may need to get a magnifying light - when I look at the pictures they sure don't look as good as I thought they did last night :-)


Once more the sharks - now with riders!

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Overall I'm happy with the unit. I completely redid the movement tray so they would rank up a bit better when they did get in combat.

Next up to finish the riders for the spiders and get them completed, plus continual work on the giant (I'm having some problems with the skin tones so far - not used to painting pink skin instead of green :-) ).


  1. Rog: 4/20/2011
    Haha. Still dunno about the whole theme, but nice work with the fanatics.

    Kara FoeHunter: 4/21/2011
    Nice i like your update love the Giant but it looks like she about ready to drop some babies!
    But the freaking sharks are the best


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