Carpe Noctem: Are you really in the band?

No. Neither am I a real Tyrant or Postmaster - however since I command the army . . .

It is funny - with my postal Orcs & Goblins, I've had lots of people ask if I was a mailman. I just like doing fun, themed armies. When my oldest son bought my old VC army, he was in the marching band, and wanted to do an army that was all musicians - and undead musicians made me think of the Grateful Dead - but he wasn't interested in that idea. His undead marching band never materialized though.

I am a real computer puggimer however!

And as for taking some time - it will go a little faster once I get the bases in. I'm getting them through my LGS, mainly because it just re-opened under new ownership (actually owned by a friend of mine) and I want to support them as much as possible, even if it ends up being a little slower. Also, one of the things I've found is that I have to stop and let things dry or I screw them up - almost had to start over on the zombie because of that. Once I have a better idea what I'm doing it will be faster - right now I'm just figuring out how to make the tails. BTW - the skeletons are based on this picture, though I don't know if I'm going to do the sneakers as well. Definitely the coat, hat and cane. But do they have shields - and if so where do they fit?
aupload-wikimedia-org_wikipedia_en_8_8c_gratefuldeadmoviedvd01-jpg.13640 (299×433)


  1. Master Vampire: 10/25/2007
    So what do you really want to do? Like make a stage and fans all around it? I read you speaking of making a diorama of some sorts?

    Ps. the 'reasons why wargaming is better than sex' are hilarious :tongue:

    FatOlaf : 10/26/07
    That one is going to give me nightmares!

    Will hate (love) to see it when it is painted! :mrgreen:


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