
Going Berserk!!!

With the latest Clash of Kings supplement released last fall, the Forces of the Abyss got a refresh, including two new hard plastic kits.  The easiest way to get these is with the new Ambush box The box has the Ambush quick start rules booklet It also has a reference sheet on assembling the models, and the stats to use them in Kings of War But of course, it is the actual models that are interesting.  The box contains 5 plastic sprues, 2 for the Abyssal Berserkers, and 3 for the Abyssal Nagari.  Each sprue for the Berserkers makes 3 models, while the Nagari makes a single model.  There are also MDF multibases for two large infantry regiments and a chariot regiment. I'm going to look at the Berserkers here, then the Nagari in the next post. First off, these are a large infantry unit - and are pretty much huge versions of the lower abyssals, but with two weapons. Once again these were made in Poland. All the pieces are labeled with the appropriate model - A, B or C....

Size DOES matter