
20 Sided Gamified

A while back, I was contacted out of the blue by Jared Fishman, from the 20 Sided Gamified Podcast, who had found this tiny little blog while looking for information on Kings of War, and asked if they could interview me. So after locking down the hatches to make sure nothing blew up, we had a great little discussion about Kings of War.  And that is now available for your listening pleasure Why I Love Kings of War it also turns out that they had Rob Phaneuf scheduled just a few weeks after me, and his episode dropped as well. Why Rob Loves Kings of War I believe these are also available on other platforms as well (or as the tag line I hear all the time, "wherever  you get your podcasts"). Because it is all fun and games . . .

Gem City Mayssacre 2024 Fluff

Gem City Mayssacre 2024